The Best Tools to Own, for Beginners

The Best Tools to Own, for Beginners

best tools to buy
Best Tools to Own

As a beginner, finding the best tools to buy while on a budget can be intimidating. Tools can be specific in their purpose or serve a variety of functions. However, there are some tools you will find your self reaching for more frequently. It can be difficult as a newbie to determine which tools you need to buy first and which ones can wait.

best tools to buy
Which tools do you need to buy first?

Why do I need tools?

best tools to buy
Best tools to own as a homeowner or DIY beginner

Let me tell you, for the past 9 years I have owned my own home(s). With home ownership comes the need for basic tools. Even if you are not DIYing projects, you will still find yourself needing basic tools.

Things break while other things need adjusting; thus, needing a tool or two.

best tools to buy
Tools for beginners.

And, if you are anything like me, and like (need) to DIY home projects, you too will find yourself beginning to collect tools.

So, which tools should I buy first?

Within this post I will review the best, inexpensive (mostly), tools beginner DIYer’s and homeowners will find useful to own.

best tools to buy
What are the best tools to own in the beginning?

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Best Beginner Tools to Own.

Here is a short list of tools that are great for beginners. These tools will be useful most DIY projects too.

Household Tool Set

tool set of beginners
Best tools to own, a tool set

To start with, this tool set will cover all of your basic tool needs and then some. This set includes:

  • hammer
  • measuring tape
  • plyers
  • screwdrivers
  • wrench
  • utility knife
  • a lot more!

This is the exact tool set that I started out with 9 years ago as a gift from my dad. It is such a great set that years later I then gifted it to a friend as housewarming gift. Kobalt tools are great quality and should hold up well.

Utility Knife

Utility knifes great for cutting or scraping away old caulk, removing stickers/ adhesive, and scoring vinyl tiles. Purchase individually, or with atool set like the Kobalt household tool set linked above.

Caulk Gun

A fresh application looks awesome. Fresh caulk is one way to freshen up a bathroom or kitchen. Old caulk looks dingy. For caulking, a caulk gun is necessary for application. I have this basic caulk gun here; works great.

Check out this post here for more tips and tricks for removing old and applying new caulk.

Paint Brushes

Paint brushes – this may seem self explanatory but I will say invest in some good ones. Take care to clean them well after use so they last. I have a nice collection of 1″, 1.5″, 2″, 3″ in angled and flat.

Painters Multi-tool

Painters tool this can be used for a variety of tasks. Get one like this that has a these functions. I have this handy for every project as it is a good scraping tool and paint can opener. It’s bigger than the small openers that I can never seem to find.

Screw Driver

A basic screwdriver is a must for any adult. Homeowner or renter doesn’t matter; everyone needs a screw driver. Get one with with an adjustable Phillips and flat head. This is another tool included in the included in household tool set too!

Stud Finder

I promise you will not regret buying this. When you hang things, particularly very heavy things….it is crucial to find a stud. This little thing makes that process super easy.

If you are looking for tips for finding and marking studs, check out this video and blog post for more (it’s a closet install post, but has details for studs).


This tool is much more powerful than a screw driver. There are less expensive ones out there, but this is the only one I have experience with. This drill is one of my first tool purchases and has held up well for almost a decade.

I have heard great things about Ryobi drills too. However, I do not have first hand experience. There are other Ryobi tools that I have and love (orbital sander and nail gun). Be sure to buy the battery and charger as they sometimes are not included.

That’s it.

There are a few tools I find very helpful for beginner to buy. Nothing too expensive or intimidating. However, I will say as I do projects I will buy a different tool here and there. Such as when I created the IKEA rast closet built-ins. I found the need for a nail gun; it was in the budget so I bought it. Now I have a nail gun for future projects (board and batten).

Great tools, but not necessary…

I left electric sander off the list because although very helpful, I don’t find it as necessary as other tools listed. If your budget is tight skip the electric sander for now and use plain old sand paper. When the budget allows, get an electric sander if you are doing a lot of woodworking, cabinet painting, or drywall projects. I purchased this one and love it.

best tools to buy
Useful, but not necessary for a beginner

A saw is another one that is very helpful, but in the beginning you can usually skip for a bit. Many hardware stores will do free cuts or charge $0.25 for cuts. If you are intimidated of saws skip and have someone else do the cuts. Having the cuts done at the store also makes lumber transport home much easier.

Comments and Suggestions

What are some of your favorite tools for DIY home projects? What tool do you use the most? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below.